Our Mission: The Friends of the Del Webb Library at Indian Land is a non-profit, non-political, volunteer service organization formed to promote and support the literary, educational, and community roles of the Library.
As a branch of the Lancaster County Library, with limited funds, increasing costs and the desire to expand its services, the Del Webb Library at Indian Land needs community support. Join us! The Friends of the Library need you.
Mailing Address
Friends of the Del Webb Library
7641 Charlotte Hwy
Indian Land, SC 29707
Phone: 803-548-9260
Email the Friends at:
Make checks payable to:
Friends of the Del Webb Library
PLEASE NOTE. Potential authors and their books are reviewed by a committee to determine the appropriateness of the material for the general public. If both the committee and the library manager agree on the appropriateness of, and interest in the topic, we will contact the author. Author talks are not designed as commercial events to sell books but rather as talks to pique interest in reading and to ask questions on the writing and publishing processes.
The Friends group is a 501c3 organization with a mission to support the literary, educational, and community roles of the library. We are both nonpolitical and nonreligious. In addition, the Lancaster County Library system has certain rules forbidding the use of the meeting room for commercial, political, and religious reasons.
COMMITTEES - We appreciate Friends members* who volunteer.
We are revamping our committees: watch for emails &
notices in 2024
Membership - Domenica English - Chair
1. Membership processing assistance: annual renewal mailing (January each year) one day with a group preparing mailing documents, stuffing envelopes, etc. (2 hours or less).
2. Assisting Friends Treasurer with memberships received, processing, thank you notes, follow up "thank you" phone calls. (Usually late January- February, then as needed)
3. Friends Secretary will be assisting with donations processing: thank you notes, follow up "thank you" phone calls.
Used Book Room - Birdie O'Brien & Pauline Crenshaw - Co Chairs
Volunteers will be trained on procedures. Specific hours/days.
Requires attention to detail, standing for long periods, moving heavy loads of books onto book carts, shelves (high and low), working with a group.
Programs - tbd - Chair
Assistance with recruiting authors and speakers, preparing meeting room for event, providing publicity information/photos to Communications for publishing event, assisting speaker as needed.
Communications - Anne Jamison - Chair
Assistance with updates to various platforms: website, Constant Contact, Facebook, etc. Assist with copy preparation, editing, etc.
Community Relations subcommittee:
Friends Discounts for Members: We are reviewing and updating our Benefit info. - please contact the business to confirm current status, business hours, etc. If you have a favorite business or restaurant, ask them to support the Friends by signing a Friends Benefits Discount Agreement. You can print one on line, complete the form and return it to the Friends at the Del Webb Library. Note: all agreements require approval by the Friends Executive Board. We reserve the right to limit the businesses. we will be recruiting in January 2023 to establish a team!
Community Relations nurtures connections with individuals and businesses or organizations that help support the Friends organizational goals. Community Relations works personally with local business owners to establish rapport and ongoing partnerships in supporting the Friends within the community.
Friends Benefits for Members subcommittee- tbd Volunteers are needed to assist with reviewing and updating our Benefit info. - please contact the business to confirm current status, business hours, etc. If you have a favorite business or restaurant, ask them to support the Friends by signing a Friends Benefits Discount Agreement. You can print one online, complete the form and return it to the Friends at the Del Webb Library. Note: all agreements require approval by the Friends Executive Board. We reserve the right to limit the businesses.
Special Events (1 day) subcommittee - Bonnie Peterson
Under the cooperation and guidance of the person in charge of the event, this committee will assist with one-day events, coordinating volunteers, arranging for refreshments, etc.
Volunteer Coordinator - tbd

Our long time President, Mary Last, has been selected as the 2020 recipient of the prestigious Advocacy Award presented annually by our state governing body, the Friends of South Carolina Libraries (FOSCAL). 😍We were able to present the award to her with social distancing outside the library.